
时间:2024-03-30 13:40:51



英语作文600字 篇1

Our city is a new and developing city, and was builtat the beginning of 1980s. The infrastructure for water, gas, electricity and other energy in thisarea is complete and sufficient. From here one can travel to any place by sea, by air or by land.And there is a highway leading to the capital, Beijing. Besides there are many other advantagesfor the investors to work here. For example, the areas around this city are rich in naturalresources. The public order is very nice and so on. The most impor ant. thing is that thegovernment of this city supports foreign investors in many respects. In a sentence, this city isfilled with enthusiasm and vigor. It is a good place for investors.


英语作文600字 篇2

I love clean thing, it sounds good for me. But the thing is that I cant bear the dirty environment around me, I am very picky about the environment. I need to make some change, I must get used to the normal situation. So I learn to wash the dirty clothes and do some dirty work. It is hard for me but I start to get over my weakness.


There is a big square near my house. People like to get together there and have the long chat. My grandma likes to go there when she has the time. Especially at night, after finishing dinner, my grandma will go to dance with her friends in the square. Sometimes I will go with her, seeing my grandma dance and join her group.


英语作文600字 篇3

初一暑期英语作文:A Present For Mother’s Birthday

A Present For Mother’s Birthday

Everyone should give his mother a present when his mother’s birthday is coming. It is 25th May Sunday. Today is Han Mei’s mother’s birthday. So she wanted to give her mother a special present. What present should she give? Maybe a bunch of flowers a birthday card are the best presents. A card is cheaper. But it is bad for trees. The more I buy cards, the more trees will be cut by people. So what another present should she give? Let me tell you this present.

It was five o’clock. It was time to surprise her mother. When Han Mei’s mother came home, Han Mei said Happy Birthday to her mother. Then she cleaned her mother’s feet. As you can see, her mother was very surprise.

Why do you think it was a good present?

英语作文600字 篇4


If i am able to create a holiday, it would be the “Food and Fun Day“. Think about it, with all the school homework and exams; it would be really nice to take a break from all the studies and just relax. Also I think everyone would enjoy the great food and lots of fun. It‘s just like a big party where everyone is invited. I would like the “Food and Fun Day“ be set during the middle of the school year, where everyone can relax from their studies for a day. On that day, everyone will bring food and drinks to school and share what they brought with friends, students, and teachers. There will also be games and winners gets great prizes. Think about it, how great it would be to have a holiday like that!

英语作文600字 篇5





“哈哈,英语班课上完了,终于可以睡觉啦!”我“仰天长嚎”好高兴啊,可是还没完呐。我正在做我的美梦,“快起来背单词,就算英语班的任务完了,我这儿还没完呐,起来!”妈妈好像一个高音喇叭,我算是睡不成觉了,嗨,一看表,凌晨五点三十,天啊,神啊,救救我吧…。。 ……


“发试卷喽,发试卷喽!”我大喊着。以前的69,“翻了个跟头”成了96,而这不是别的科目,是英语,怎么样,我考得不错吧,全班第一, 。我把成绩拿给妈妈看,妈妈再也不骂我了,眼睛眯成一条缝,我的心里像灌了蜜一样甜,哈哈,看来功夫不负有心人,我这只麻雀也“飞上枝头变凤凰”啦”!

