
时间:2024-03-30 15:36:46



英语作文 篇1

Directions: Write a composition entitled A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-friendly Cloth Bag. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 为了响应国家限用塑料袋的规定,学院环保协会征集环保布袋的设计方案。

2. 欢迎大家踊跃投稿,截止日期为6月1日。


A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-friendly Cloth Bag

In recent years, to control the “white pollution”,our government has taken a lot of measures to promote the use of environment-friendly cloth bags. In respond to government’s appeal, the Environment Protection Association of our department will invite you to take part in our activity of cloth bag design.

You can submit your design by email or in person. Your wonderful designs are expected before June,1st. If your designs are chosen by our association , you will have a bonus of ¥ 200.

If you want to get more detailed information about our activity, you may have contact with us on the number 12345678 or e-mail us by cloth bag design @163.com.

Your active participation will be greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to your terrific design.


take measures采取措施 promote v.促进

environment-friendly adj.有利环境 的

in respond to ...对 做出的回应

appeal n.呼吁

invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事

take part in .参加

submit v.提交 bonus n.奖金

have contact with ...接触

appreciate v.感激;欣赏

look forward to ...期待

terrific adj.极好的

英语作文 篇2

have you heard a story about an ant and an elephant? there is an ant and an elephant live in a forest, they are not good friend, the ant always wants to bring shame on the elephant.

one day , the ant dug a hole on the way of elephant’s home. hided itself in it, except one of its leg outside the hole, he wants to use it to fall down the elephant, the elephant knows that, it raised its heavy leg , stepped on other plants, let the ant know it was very dangerous, after that they became good friends, and the ant took out its camera to take a photo of the elephant about this vigorous pose.

英语作文 篇3

Apprently, the vivid picture given above portrayed that a teacher and her student are praising the convenience of remote education. When it comes to the choice between studying in traditional colleges and self-studying through Internet, recently more people choose to receive remote education.

In the eyes of those people studying through Internet, remote education has its own advantages which are beneficial to their study. In the first place, studying through Internet is more efficient and flexible because learners will not be bound up in the classroom at the required time. In the second place, they can listen to the lessons from the famous teachers who are uneasy to contact at campus.

But remote education is still far from perfection. On one hand, staying before computers too long will make students neglect the importance of communication. On the other hand, different from the traditional teaching methods, students find it more difficult to get feedback from their teachers on time.

In my opinion the remote education represents the trend of educational development and the most effective way to realize the popularity and justice of educational resource. Of course, presently it is only a complement to the traditional education.

英语作文 篇4

We can see from the picture that , but .

If , he would surely expre. There are three reasons to explain why it happens to . Firstly, , which resulted from . Secondly, though , . Consequently, . Thirdly, .

I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon. Firstly, we need to endeavor to advocate . Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society. Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this “tumor” forcefully and completely.

英语作文 篇5


I lost my notebook .

I lost it on January 1st. (时间)

I lost it on the playground. (地点)

I must find it. (重要性)

please call me at 18778024879.

My name is Lucy.



I found a pencil box.

It is red and blue, and there are ten pencils in it.

Is it yours?

Please call me .

My name is Cindy.

My telephone number is 13245729041.


英语作文 篇6

In the days when a woman's entire obligation was to be a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother, men and women were far from equal。 Women suffered sexual discrimination until the so-called feminism came into being。 Nowadays, feminism has been running for over a century。 Result? It ran into the extreme of "equality" from my perspective。

Most of us agree that men and women should enjoy equality in this modern society。 But what on earth does this equality mean? To be "equal", those for feminism would like to share everything with men they split bills, apply for masculine jobs,etc。 They intended to buy in all the advantages and disadvantages of being a man。 On their long journey to the "equal world",they've forgotten some basic facts they ARE women。 Even school children know that women, after all, are different from men both physically and mentally。 It is unwise, or even stupid,to ignore all these differences and pursue a so called "equal world"。 We couldn't expect a man to give birth to a baby as we couldn't expect the sun to rise in the west。 Likewise, we couldn't expect a woman to become the world's fastest runner,as is simple, but seems forgotten by those feminists。

Equality is not bisecting everything。 Real equality should be built upon the common sense of the basic sexual differences。Since some of the jobs can only be done well enough by men,women should not feel discriminated when we fail。 After all,there're also some jobs, which can only be perfectly done with women's hands。 These are not symbols of inequality, but natural laws。 What really counts is equality in rights, reputation,etc。 Only when all the individuals value the spirit of being equal can women really enjoy equality with men。

简 评


文章观点比较独特,向进行了一个多世纪的女权运动提出了质疑。开篇亮出了观点,明确表态。“Nowadays,feminism has been running for over a century.Result?It ran into the extreme of‘equality' from my perspective.”在第二段写到女权运动在现今社会的产物,进一步指出,“It is unwise,or even stupid,to ignore a11 these differences and pursue a so-called ‘equal world~”,并且附加了两个简洁有力的事实例证,加强这一论述观点。到此为止,文章的论述都是有条有理的,但文章接下来就急于结尾了,而对于什么是真正的平等,和如何促成平等的实现,几乎是一语带过,只写到,“What really counts is equality in rights,reputation,etc.”没有展开任何的论述,感觉是指出了问题,却没找到真正的方向,最后一段的论述空洞,没有说服力,让人觉得虎头蛇尾,实在可惜。

文章中的关联词使用得不多,从语言表述方面也还不够成熟。英语语言是一种“chain laneuaee”,而准确、恰当的关联词是语言学习是否步入一个成熟阶段的衡量指数,这也是该习作要注意提高的地方。

