
时间:2024-04-02 23:20:50



家庭英语作文 篇1

Family education generally refers to the process of parents and their adult family education of the minor child. Their educational goals should be: before children enter socially acceptable collective education (kindergarten, school education) to ensure that children develop physical and mental health, to accept kindergarten, school education lay the foundation. In children park, into the school, with kindergartens, schools make it moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labor-round development aspects.

(A) family of early sex education

The family is the cradle of the lives of children, their education after the birth of the first place, that the first class of life; parents are the child's first teacher, that teacher of enlightenment. Therefore, parents of children with the best education facilities early sexual.

(B) the continuity of family education

The second feature is the family education continuity. After the child is born, from small to large, almost 2/3 of the time living in families, day and night, are accepted with parental education. Such education is the intentional and unintentional, planned and unplanned, consciously and unconsciously being carried out, no matter what way, at what time education, are the parents in their own words and deeds affect the education of children anywhere . Such education for children living habits, moral character, conversation and behavior so constantly giving impact and demonstrate its subtle effect is quite large, along with a person's life can be said to live to old to learn, so some Parent educator again called lifelong teachers.

(C) The family education authority

Family education is the authoritative parents and elders in their children embodied the power and might. The existence of family, kinship established between parents and children, dependency relationships, emotional relationships, children in terms of moral and material needs of life for parents and elders have a great dependence, consistency fundamental interests of family members, have decided Every parent their children have a greater role in the constraints. Parental education and obedience easily accepted by children, parents and rational use of this feature, the children form good character and behavior are very helpful.

(D) Family Education infectious

Natural and intimate, so that parents emotions kinship and relationship between parents and children on the child have a strong role in infection. Children of parents demeanor often hint to love through affection. When processing occurs around the people and things around relationships and problems, the attitude of the parents of the children held easily resonate.

In short, the importance of family education of parents as to fully and consciously make the child's education, parental responsibility and obligation to do good for the country and qualified construction professionals.

家庭英语作文 篇2

A break with the past

For centuries one family type existed here: patriarchy. The wife went to live with the husband's family. Family was a male hierarchy, practical, based on need. It offered food, shelter, status, regeneration.

After 1949 the family was turned toward nation-building, and it served the state. But despite dramatic laws making husbands and wives equal in theory, the basic family structure survived. Two things changed that: the "one child policy" and Deng Xiaoping's epic liberalizing in 1979.

From then on everything accelerated, including the state's withdrawal from people's family lives and an end to the patriarchal structure.

You can barely find a patriarchal family in the city now. Sixty percent of Beijing families are nuclear, run by husband and wife. In Chinese tradition, you need a male heir to carry on the name. You bear children until there is a son; it is extremely important for identity. Yet now 50 percent have no son, and many don't worry about it.

China is now 15 years into an economic "miracle" made possible by the combination of endless cheap labor, a colossus of east coast factories, and by a national capacity for organization and adaptability. The ability to earn enough to buy a car and apartment in the city has created new alternatives and expectations. Many younger Chinese talk about education, travel abroad, fulfillment, and spirituality - as well as work. Families in the city are now accommodating a culture of cellphones, a drying up of the number of aunts and uncles in the family, and acceptance of divorce.

家庭英语作文 篇3

There is much controversy today about whether television has destroyed communication among family and friends. Some people argue that the communication is baffled by television. Others criticize that television improve the relationship of family and friends. I totally agree with the latter one.

Watching TV is a time for the whole family to stop from whatever they are doing to get together. While watch TV, they start to talk about the content of the movie, which is also a kind of communication. Imagining the TV disappears, we would do reading in rooms, while our family would do laundry, do washing dish or going shopping. It simply provides a chance for us to stay together.

In addition, the TV supplies us with much information, which we have not known in our daily lives. Some of the constructive movies show on TV, like a family story, a love story, or so on, reinforce the relationship of a family and friends. What's more, we learn from the story that it is important to cherish the broiling of a family and friends.

At last, it is a kind of recreation that a family or friends can choose to have. Communication can be undertaken by many means, for example, going shopping together, entering a bar, talking intimately about ourselves. In effect, watching TV is a way to let us together and share our happiness with each other.

In my opinion, TV provides us opportunity to be together and communicate. In this diversified society, TV doesn't destroy communication among us but show us another way of getting together.

