
时间:2024-04-03 04:00:44



英语作文 篇1

I will never forget that moment when I was pressing the buttons on the phone .I was entering a hot line to find out my results in the final examination of junior school. I remember having a hopeful but anxious feeling in my stomach. Kill or cure? The big moment had come. On hearing the voice say "Congratulations! You come top in the exam." I cheered up.”You make it!" I just smiled a big smile to myself. The success really encouraged me a lot.

There is no doubt that for the youth the Internet is an important tool for study. Nothing can be compared with its convenient operation, high speed and varied information resources. As long as you click what you need, you’ll get a large number of information picked out in such a short time. Besides outputting the information, at the same time, yon can input your own works and send them to the Internet. In this way you can have more opportunities to share the tremendous spiritual excitement with the ones who have common goals. By comparison, the youth prefer to spend the long and friendless evenings in front of the computer—it seers to be the only form of entertainment. They have a variety of experiences: from the chat to the love online from the network game to the network crime. Perhaps they have led the cultural trend of the network, and they are the spreader of the Internet culture.

The old, however, sometimes imagine .the Internet to be a sort of place full of mystery. They often failed to understand how the ‘net’ works. One thing is certain, however, they always go into raptures at the mere mention the Internet. They are forever talking with a proud about how skilled their grandsons operate the computer and surf the Internet, or the fantastic the Internet trip they went on their own ----after that, they never forget to list the privilege of modern science one by one, and make a conclusion that how fast the science and technology developed.

No one can avoid being influenc

英语作文 篇2

Hi Robert,

We had a graduation party last Sunday. Long before 3:00 pm, all the s tudents in my class couldnt wait to come to the hall. Our teachers and parents were invited to the party, too. First, our monitor made a speech. He thanked our teachers and parents sincerely. Next, we gave presents to each other. The most exciting moment was the show time. We sang, danced and played games. Our English teacher told a story which made us all laugh. Everyone was so happy. I think the wonderful party will always be in my mind.

Do you have such a party? Please write soon.

英语作文 篇3

Good morning,everyone. My speech content is about Brave heart.

Brave heart this movie not only let me know the brave,kind-hearted Scotland hero William Wallace,but also make me deeply intoxicated with Scotland bagpipe music in the background of the accompaniment.

In the movie, Wallace as leader of the uprising troops has won many battles. Such as the Green bridge battle broke the infantry conquer cavalry superstition and captured the England important city Yorktown. This let me see the dawn of victory, but it's not the end. When Wallace was defeated in the battle of Faure Kirk, in which a British army fighting in uaveling the helmet, that moment, he didn't think that was once very trusted noble leader Robert Bruce. He didn't put a sword to Bruce, but the choice of forgiveness.Then lay on the ground,you can see what he’s chilling and sad.Bruce regreted again and said he would never again betray cooperation.For the sake of peaceful reunification ,Wallace sill agreed to go .However, Edinburgh designed to seize Wallace sinistery and sent him to the king.Bruce’s farther tricked Bruce ,Wallace was finally sentenced to death. In this moment ,Ifeel very sad,I really want to see Wallace back instead of ending in death.Is this really is a tragedyNo, Wallace’s spirit has aroused numb people ,they will fight for freedom.

And last in the back to reality, fighting for freedom is very faraway, but we also should pursue for our good bravely.

Thank you for listening.

英语作文 篇4

Shanghai is my favorite city. I like it because I was born in there, and a lot of my family members and my friends live there. The shopping in Shanghai is cheaper than here, but it’s expensive in China. I have a lot of things to do there, like: shopping, playing, going to my friend’s home… And there’re also a lot of places that are interesting. In Shanghai, people speak the same language as I do. I was there for 13 years! I left there on August, 18th, 20xx. And I was there because I was born in there and I lived there.

There’re a lot of people in Shanghai. The people are like me. We all speak the same language. The people in Shanghai are busy and friendly. And Shanghai is also and international city. It’s beautiful and fancy. There’re a lot of tall buildings. That’s why Shanghai is my favorite city. It’s my home city. I love Shanghai!!!

I’d like to go back to Shanghai, but just for a visit. Although Shanghai is good, I’d like to live here because I’d like to study here. I only get a little homework and the air here is flasher than Shanghai. The weather is hot in Shanghai. And the best time of year to go there is spring, because in spring, the weather is cool and warm. But some people asked me:” Why don’t we go there in the fall? The fall is also cool and warm.” I don’t think so, because in Shanghai, the fall is still very hot. I’d like to recommend this place to other because I want more and more people to know and visit my hometown. I hope if I ask my friends:” Have you ever been to Shanghai? Do you like Shanghai?” The answers shouldn’t be:” No, I haven’t been to Shanghai. And I don’t even know anything about Shanghai!” Now, I’ll recommend you to go to visit Shanghai in summer vacation or winter vacation or spring break or every time you’d like, you’d want, because Shanghai is a very nice city. If you go there, you’ll soon like it!

英语作文 篇5

In the era of We Media, citizens can publish and circulate information and opinions online, develop their own user profiles, and become independent "media entities."


近日《中国青年报社》社会调查中心联合问卷网对20xx人进行的一项调查显示,59.6%的受访者坦承对争议性事件(controversial incident)的认知受自媒体(We Media)影响大。调查显示,24.6%的受访者大量阅读网络上自媒体产出的内容(do a lot of reading generated by We Media)。情感生活类(48.5%)、心灵鸡汤(Chicken Soup for the Soul)类(46.1%)和时政新闻(political news)类(38.4%)是最受受访者喜爱的自媒体内容。

调查还显示,45.8%的受访者认为自媒体有趣的内容(interesting content of We Media)最具吸引力,43%的受访者则认可自媒体采用的多样的`表现形式及风格(varied forms and styles of presentation employed by We Media);20.7%的受访者称,他们通过自媒体发现了高质量、有思想的内容(high-quality and thoughtful content)。但也有34.7%的受访者抱怨称,相较提高内容质量(improve content quality)而言,自媒体更注重"追热点"(prioritize hot topics)。与此同时,抄袭问题仍然非常猖獗(plagiarism remains rampant)。

英语作文 篇6

It is said there is a kind of birds named the thorn birds. They only sing once in their lives. But the sound of singing is the most wonderful in the world. When they leave their nests, they will look for the thistles and thorns. And they don’t give up till they find them. At last they thorn their chests with the longest and sharpest thorns. Then they sing the most beautiful songs at the great cost of life. But they must endure hardships to do all these.

I think we are like the thorn birds. We also have our own dreams like the best sound of singing. We should do our best to make our dreams come true like the thorn birds, too.

英语作文 篇7

On vacation after I finished my homework I decided to go to Yuntai Mountain with my friends.

The weather was fine. We took the bus to the beautiful place. It took us about two hours to get there. Then we began to climb the mountain. There are many trees and flowers on it. And there were a lot of

tourists. Some of them were foreigners. At noon we sat under a tree and had our lunch. All the food was delicious. We took many photos during the trip.

We were all tired but we had a good time.





英语作文 篇8

Hello, everyone! Today I'll tell you about my Chinese teacher.

Zhu Jingyan is my Chinese teacher. She is tall and beautiful. She has big eyes and long hair. Look, she is wearing a red dress today. The dress fits her very well. She is reading a book now. She is reading very carefully.

All of us love her very much. Why? Because she is very friendly and lovely. We are good friends. We often chat and play games with her. We often have a great time. Sometimes we dislike her, because she is angry. We are very afraid, so we don't make any noise.

My Chinese teacher is a good teacher. She works hard and she knows many things. When we answer her questions, she always listens to me carefully with a smile on her face. In her class, we often learn many things, so we like the Chinese lessons very much.

初三英语作文:That Day

I am now a student of Dongzhou Middle School, but I still remember that day when I was in a primary school.

That day, the weather was so bad. When school was over, it began to rain. All of us looked very worried, so our teacher let us go home at once.

When I went out of the school gate, I saw my father standing there. I went to him at once. My father had a raincoat, because he'd just had a meeting and he went to school as soon as the meeting finished, so he had no time to return home. When he saw me, he took his raincoat off and gave it to me. I didn't want to receive it. He looked at me and said, “Take it.” I had to put on the raincoat, but my heart was not still. I cried, and I couldn't let myself stop. Since that day, I knew my father loved me. Oh, I can't forget that day all my life.

