
时间:2024-04-03 21:24:44



美国英语作文 篇1

high school in america, after middle school comes high school, which includes grades 9 through 12。 students are required to take certain subjects like english, social studies, math, science, and physical education。 in addition, they choose among elective subjects to complete their high school education。 electives include subjects in technology, music, art, and foreign languages。

each student in the school has their own locker for books and personal items。 this convenience saves students from carrying textbooks, and allows students a small space they can decorate with posters and favorite objects。

cheating in any form is strictly prohibited in american schools。 and in fact, high school students usually don‘t cheat。 a student caught in plagiarism, forgery, or copying another student faces severe discipline, even expulsion。

school activities each school holds certain yearly activities for the entire school body, such as homecoming, prom night, holiday celebrations, etc。

homecoming is celebrated each fall, usually on a weekend, and events leading up to it may last all week。 while homecoming is celebrated differently at each school, it usually includes a parade and the crowning of the homecoming king and queen, and ends with a football game and school dance。

the prom is a formal dance for students in grades 11 and 12, and is generally anticipated as the most important social event of the school year。 it can also be a time of anxiety, as boys have to work up the courage to ask a date to the prom, and girls hope the right boy invites them。 these couples dress in formal clothes — girls in long gowns, boys in suits。 some students even arrange a limousine and driver for their group of friends to arrive in style! at the prom, students dance, have snacks and drinks, and chat。 prom usually ends with a prom king and queen being announced and crowned on stage before an envious audience。

besides hosting events for holidays such as the fourth of july and halloween, individual high schools often have their own special events。 one day might be “inside out/backwards day,” where students and teachers should wear their clothes reversed all day, perhaps walk and speak backwards, and even go to classes in opposite order。 and some schools hold contests where, if certain academic goals are met, the principal will kiss a pig, shave his mustache, or dress as a woman for the day。

sports most high schools have at least one sports team that competes in local events, and all students are encouraged to be involved in athletics。 schools often offer football, baseball and softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and soccer。 some may even have sports like golf, swimming, gymnastics and cross-country skiing。

jobs many high school students have part-time jobs by the age of 15 or 16, some even earlier。 their first jobs are often babysitting or cutting lawns, but later they will likely get a job at a fast-food restaurant, video store, or clothing shop。

driving sixteen years old is legal driving age in most states, and students usually want to own a car as soon as they can。 some parents allow their children to drive a family vehicle, and may even buy a car as a graduation present。 others prefer that their sons and daughters earn enough to purchase a used vehicle。 regardless, many teenagers feel it‘s a necessity to own a car, and will do whatever it takes to be able to drive。

美国英语作文 篇2

Going abroad for Studies

The other day I announced that I would go abroad for further studies right after my college education. My decision evoked the immediate objection of my family: Why? Why should I borrow a huge sum of money for overseas studies while I might receive the same education at home at relatively low cost? My answer is: in addition to knowledge, I can gain experience that those who stay at home will never have.

First, experience is the opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. While a person can study a foreign language at home, the effect can never be compared with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Living in English-speaking countries such as America and Australia for several years, for example, my English will be as perfect as native speakers.

Second, living and studying abroad offers me a different perspective of the world. On a university campus, foreign students are likely to encounter their counterparts from different countries and areas and are exposed to different ideas and values. This helps me to have a meaningful understanding of different societies and inevitably sees my own country in a new light.

Third, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is helpful. A person going abroad for study often experiences much more difficulty——difficulty in adapting to a new culture and in dealing with all problems alone. Yet, the difficulty, coupled with the frustration brought on by culture shock, is a rewarding experience for one's future life and development of personality.

Although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile. For the benefit is not merely knowledge gained, but the experience desirable in one's personal life.

美国英语作文 篇3

Last year, my parents and I arrived in the United States on the other side of the ocean, living in Chicago, the third largest city in the United States. The city life there is very different from the city life in China.

Special one: building

Most people in China live in public housing or apartments, and there are not so many people in the United States. People usually live in semi-detached houses. The left half of the family, the right half the other family, or up and down two families, the economy many people live in the independent house. The two houses are not large, usually made of beautiful bricks, and the first floor has steps to connect the ground and houses, and the houses are numbered with metal. There was a small garden around the house, with lush trees and green grass, and some tables and chairs. There is a fence outside the garden, a password lock on the fence, someone with a key to the password can go in, so it's safe to live in it.

Special 2: traffic

Car penetration in China is lower than in the u.s., where most Chinese residents take public transportation, and almost every home in the United States has a car. Why? That's because the United States was designed as a big car in the first place. The roads are designed to be spacious and the garage is so much designed that there are few traffic jams or parking Spaces in the United States. Back in China, there are no seats left for the training courses, and the half way is still stuck on the high shelf, so it must get up early to be not late.

Winter in the United States, people don't have to wear thick wool pants and a sweater, because indoor central heating in the winter, go out is given priority to with the car, go out just get in the car, the car also has air conditioning, so don't feel cold. It's kind of like our northeast China.

Special 3: diet

You must be very fond of pizza and cookies. These are the snacks that everyone enjoys during the break. But why eat well and sometimes not to eat? That's because americans eat high-calorie foods, such as a pizza, so they eat them for dinner. Americans pay more attention to the nutrition of food, like to eat high-protein things, and also like to eat very sweet snack, so you can't burn Chinese food in the United States can only eat these things all day long!

You see how different China's urban life is from the American city life!

Author: fourth grade Chen

Comments: the author introduces the life of the United States and China in the way of small title, which is clear and emphases. If you can express your feelings in the introduction, it will bring you closer to the reader.

美国英语作文 篇4

I am going to Hawaii for vacation .I am going in December ,and I am staying for three weeks.Hawaii is comprised of a chain of 132 islands.We usually think of the eight main islands when we think of Hawaii.This is not surprising as the other 124 islands only total about 3 square miles in land area. Hawaii is home of the world's most active volcano,the crater of Kilauea on Mauna Loa.Sandy beaches,towering volcanoes,and lush valleys lure thousands of tourists each year to this tropical paradise. Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state of any state in the union,a mix that includes Caucasians,Americans of Japanese descent,and Polynesians,among others.Native Hawaiians have held on to many of their customs and traditions despite the influx of non-natives over the years.Hawaii is the only state that has an official native language.Statehood had been proposed many times throughout Hawaii's history,but it was not until 1959 that Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States.

美国英语作文 篇5

the average family income of the u.s.a. has increased from 20,000 dollars per year in 1992 to 25,000 in 20xx. along with this considerable increase in people’s income, the way in which the average family spends its income has also varied to some extent. the average expenditure of family income is divided into several sectors, namely, housing, clothing, food and drink, transport, medical care, entertainment, savings and other items.

from the table, it is quite interesting to find that the money spent on some sectors such as food and drink (2%) and entertainment (6%) in 1992 and 20xx remains the same. for transport, the percentage of 20xx is only 1% larger than that of 1992. it is also worth mentioning that in 20xx, people tend to save less money than in 1992 because people deposit only half the money they used to in 1990. there is a greater increase in the expenses on housing and medical care, increasing by 8% and 6% respectively. on the other hand, people tend to spend less money on clothes, for there is a 5% decrease in 20xx compared with that in 1992. as far as other items are concerned, there is a sharp decrease in the percentage of family income spent on them, accounting for only 7% of the total.

it can be seen from the statistics that in american people’s life food and drink, entertainment and transport had always been important. with family income increasing, american people began to give first priority to housing and medical care, thereby improving their living conditions and invigorating health. by saving less, they presented to us the implication that they expected a fairly secure prospect.

