
时间:2024-04-14 02:04:44



英语作文 篇1

As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.

Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help.




英语作文 篇2

一. 上升增长

1.add up to 增加了eg The total amount of added up to 14 billion pounds in 1994. 2. to jump to / to soar to 一跃达到/ 猛增到

eg. The total working days lost soared to 10 million in 1979.

3.an increase of aboutpercent as compared with 与相比大约增加了

eg. In August as many as 39 car accidents were reported, indicating an increase of about 79% as compared with the number of January.

4.to experience an increase/incline 有了增长

eg. Tobacco consumption is experiencing an incline.

二. 下降,减少

1.to sink/drop/reduce to 减少到

eg. The rate of strikes sank/dropped to the lowest point in 1979.

2.to experience a decrease/decline 有了减少

eg. Tobacco consumption is experiencing a decrease. 注意:


rapidly slowly dramatically respectively 表达上升/减少的最后状态的词有:

the highest peak the lowest point 10 million 10%

三. 起伏

1.to go up and down 起伏不定

eg. The strike rate went up and down during the period from 1952 to 1967.

2.There be ups and downs 有起有伏

英语作文 篇3



Every day traffic seems to get worse on our roads. How can we reduce the number of cars on our roads todayWhat alternatives can we offer car drivers

Model Answer:

The more people that there are in the world, the more cars there are on the road. People are richer too and often families have more than one car. It has been proved that building more roads does not work; it just encourages more traffic.

So, what can we doPeople like their cars and the freedom and independence that cars give them. One possibility would be to raise car taxes and fuel taxes so that people do not want to spend the extra money. Taxes on new car sales as well could be increased in order to discourage people from buying. Perhaps a used car sales tax could be introduced too. In the same way motorways could have tolls charged for using them although this may just increase congestion on smaller roads as people try and avoid the motorways. The

government that introduces such ideas will not be popular though and would probably lose power. Governments would therefore be unlikely to set up such new measures.I think it would be better to try and change peoples attitudes and offer them alternatives. Educate them more about the pollution and waste that they are causing.

Persuade them to car share, use public transport or even cycle if the distances are not too

long. Countries such as Holland and Denmark are well known for how their citizens are passionate about green issues and how they use bicycles when they can.

Reducing traffic is a difficult task. I dont think it is possible realistically to reduce car numbers but I do think that we can change peoples attitudes and get them to use different ways of travelling.

英语作文 篇4


就在星期四中午,我们上了一节英语课。在课堂中,老师教了我们一句英语“What about you?”她提问了两位同学,一位是名列前茅的女生小红,一位是对英语一窍不通的小灿。我想:小红比小火山,杀鸡焉用牛刀,这不是大材小用吗?可没想到小灿居然熟悉的说了出来,小红一紧张什么都忘了,就像吃了“健忘果”似的,紧张得脚一直在抖。这时老师说:“每一个人都能学好英语,只有过是你愿不愿意而以,如果你的学习态度是正确的,那么你将会名列前茅。”小红听了之后低下了头,从此虚心对待课本,认真学习,而小灿却开始认真对待学习,每天起早贪黑,加倍努力,成为了我们班的好榜样。


英语作文 篇5

she was taking a morning shower. the warm spray from the showerhead danced on her hair and foamed down her body. steam came up and soon the bathroom was foggy. she closed her eyes, feeling the foams covering her body with thousand of kisses. in the sunbeams that streamed in through the only window, water drops glittered like morning dews. a cool wind rushed in. she looked out the window. some leaves were falling. "it must be autumn!" she murmured to herself. she stood motionless. there was no sound ecept that of water gurgling down the drain.

英语作文 篇6

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of pink cheeks, red lips and flexible knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of imagination, a vigor of the emotion, it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a dispositional control of courage over cowardice, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human beings’ heart the looking forward to wonder, the endless child-like appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.① In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it is receiving messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from God, you are young.②

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.

英语作文 篇7

A course that has impressed you most in college

There are many courses in each college year. But the course which impressed me most in college is Advanced English Audio-Visual & Speaking. The reasons why I like this course are as follows.

The first reason is that I have learnt a lot from this course. My listening ability, speaking ability as well as translation ability has improved greatly after taking this course. The second reason is that I like the teacher of this course, Mr. Qin, very much. He is a charming gentleman with great patience. His oral English is perfect, sounding like American speakers. He treated us very strict but we still like him extremely.

Just as the proverb goes, “A strict teacher produces outstanding students.” Thanks to Mr. Qin’s guidance and teachings in this course, all my classmates have made great progress in English learning.

英语作文 篇8

1. 模板

1. It is true that——.

2. However,——.

3. I think——.

4. —— can be listed as follow.

5. First of all, ——

6. Secondly ——

7. For example——

8. Thirdly,——

9. A case in point is ——.

10. It goes without saying that——

11. There is no doubt that ——

12. In conclusion ——

1. 提出普遍存在地观点。

2. 谈不同地观点。

3. 自己地观点,即文章地论点

4. 过度句,转折到观点地论证,由题目选择具体的词。




8. 论证理由三。

9. 举例说明理由三。

10. 提出执行该观点时应注意的事项。

11. 得出结论。

12. 总结全文。


1. Some people believe that——.

2. The truth is deep andprofound.

3. As we know,——.

4. In addition,——.

5. There are numerous examples ——

6. A case in point is——

7. There is close to suggest——

8. For another example——

9. Moreover,——.

10. All mentioned above tell us——

11. But one thing we have tonotice is that ——

12. In a word, ——








8. 举例二具体论证。

9. 举例三具体论证。

10. 总结上下,重申论点。

11. 指出该论点应注意什么。

12. 总结全文。

英语作文 篇9

does working make you unhappy or happy? the answer: it depends. toiling away at a job you hate may eat away at your happiness over time. but overall, being unemployed is worse for your state of mind than being employedat least, that is, if youre a guy.

the pew research center found that the percentage of men who said they were very happy was significantly lower for unemployed men (16 percent) than for employed men (37 percent). unemployment had little impact on womens happiness.the pew researchers speculate that this is because more women than men are unemployed by choice, although the study didnt attempt to tease apart that difference.chris peterson, a happiness researcher at the university of michigan, suspects there are other factors at play as well. other studies have found that if a man loses his job, it can have both short-term and long-term psychological effects, even if he finds another job with equal salary, he says. for women its not unemployment that leads to unhappiness, but divorce.

in addition, peterson stresses that money matters less than youd think. the engaged custodian is more likely to be happy than the independently wealthy, unengaged millionaire, he says. we didnt evolve to be retired and sit on the couch.

英语作文 篇10

Planting trees to human society's important it goes without saying that human society mostearly life data obtained from various plants and animals. In human civilization developed today, however, for the protection of animals and plants have done is far from enough, as an ordinary primary school students, can do little, planting trees are small, meaning very great.

Yesterday, our class held a class activities -- planting trees. This day, we come to school early, saw the osmanthus trees belonging to our group, our mission is to giving it a holy life.

First of all, we have to put the saplings moved to the place where we want to kind of, to thedestination, regardless of boys and girls, we start digging holes, hoe hoe, shovel shovel, done, parents also encourage us and guide us to one side. Dads also teaches us how to hoeing holding cheerfully. I experience the hoeing, digging holes of hard, too tired to full head big sweat, finally realize the hard and tired to plant trees, but it's all worth it. Fall finish digging pit, fertilizer, put in, the centralizer, covering soil, water, finally finished.

Hits the trees in the school, we planted happiness and hope, hope they will meet the spring breeze thrive. When summer, lush and green for us to keep out sunshine; When autumncomes, can bring us breath of autumn; When winter comes, can bring us the warmth of thesoul.

See saplings flies, think of them in the near future will grow into towering trees, our heart is full of expectation and joy, this kind of feeling should be like a teacher to look forward to their own mood as students grow up to become a useful person.

