
时间:2024-04-14 21:24:49



大学英语作文 篇1

Everyone has a dream, because we’re dreamers. In our heart, there is a colorful dream. Sometimes the dream is perfect, sometimes it’s special, sometimes it’s sweet, and sometimes it’s beautiful.

When I was young, I went to primary school. My teacher asked us what our dreams were. Someone said that he wanted to be a teacher, someone wanted to be a doctor, and someone wanted to be a lawyer. At that moment, in my heart, I wanted to be a scientist just like Newton or Einstein. Later, I went to junior school. And then I went to high school. All students were prepared for the college entrance examination. To get the chance to a big-time university became the dream of many students, so did it to me.

Now, as a graduate, what’s my dream now? When I think the question I find I have a simple but meaningful dream. I want to be a good cook. I want to learn cooking skills because I want to cook for my parents. My parents are peasants and they work hard to support me all the time. They do so much farm work that they can’t have a good meal. When I stay with them I try to cook for them. They’re happy when I cook for them even though I didn’t do it well. I hope my parents can have a delicious food I cook for them by my own one day. If so, I will feel really happy.

大学英语作文 篇2

before the 1850s, the united states had a number of small colleges, most of them dating from colonial days. they were small, church connected institutions whose primary concern was to shape the moral character of their students.

throughout europe, institutions of higher learning had developed, bearing the ancient name of university. in german university was concerned primarily with creating and spreading knowledge, not morals. between mid-century and the end of the 1800s, more than nine thousand young americans, dissatisfied with their training at home, went to germany for advanced study. some of them return to become presidents of venerable colleges-----harvard, yale, columbia---and transform them into modern universities. the new presidents broke all ties with the churches and brought in a new kind of faculty.

professors were hired for their knowledge of a subject, not because they were of the proper faith and had a strong arm for disciplining students. the new principle was that a university was to create knowledge as well as pass it on, and this called for a faculty composed of teacher-scholars. drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the german method of lecturing, in which the professors own research was presented in class. graduate training leading to the ph.d., an ancient german degree signifying the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment, was introduced. with the establishment of the seminar system, graduate student learned to question, analyze, and conduct their own research.

at the same time, the new university greatly epanded in size and course offerings, breaking completely out of the old, constricted curriculum of mathematics, classics, rhetoric, and music. the president of harvard pioneered the elective system, by which students were able to choose their own course of study. the notion of major fields of study emerged. the new goal was to make the university relevant to the real pursuits of the world. paying close heed to the practical needs of society, the new universities trained men and women to work at its tasks, with engineering students being the most characteristic of the new regime. students were also trained as economists, architects, agriculturalists, social welfare workers, and teachers.

大学英语作文 篇3

1. only too to do so 和too ready + to do结构中,不定式也没有否定意义,凡是not,allbut等字后+tooto,不定式都失去了否定意义,在too ready +to do结构中,不定式也没有否定意义。

You know but too yell to hold your tongue.

2. no more than句型

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.

3. not so muchas和not so much as 结构,not so muchas=not so much as ,其中as有进可换用but rather,可译为:与其说是毋须说是。而not so much as=withouteven,可译为甚至还没有。

The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.

4. Nothing is morethan和Nothing is so as结构,Nothing is morethan和Nothing is so as都具有最高级比较的意思,Nothing I可换用no,nobody,nowhere,little,few,hardly,scarcely等等,可译为没有比更为,像再没有了,最等。

Nothing is more precious than time.

5. cannottoo结构,cannottoo意为It is impossible to overdo或者,即无论怎样也不算过分。not可换用hardly,scarcely等,too可换用enough,sufficient等。

You cannot be too careful.

6. 否定+but 结构,在否定词后面的but,具有which not,who not,that not,等等否定意义,构成前后的双重否定。可译成没有不是或都等。

大学英语作文 篇4







大学英语作文 篇5

About Smells

in a recent issue of the independent, the rev. t. de witt talmage, of brooklyn, has the following utterance on the subject of smells:

i have a good christian friend who, if he sat in the front pew in church, and a working man should enter the door at the other end would smell him instantly. my friend is not to blame for the sensitiveness of his nose, any more than you would flog a pointer for being keener on the scent than a stupid watch-dog. the fact is, if you had all the churches free, by reason of the miing up of the common people with the uncommon, you would keep one-half of christendom sick at their stomach. if you are going to kill the church thus with bad smells, i will have nothing to do with this work of evangelization.

we have reason to believe that there will be laboring men in heaven; and also a number of negroes, and esquimau, and terra del fuegans, and arabs, and a few indians, and possibly even some spaniards and portuguese. all things are possible with god. we shall have all these sorts of people in heaven; but, alas! in getting them we shall lose the society of dr. talmage. which is to say, we shall lose the company of one who could give more real tone to celestial society than any other contribution brooklyn could furnish. and what would eternal happiness be without the doctor? blissful, unquestionably -- we know that well enough -- but would it be distingue, would it be recherche without him? st. matthew without stockings or sandals; st. jerome bareheaded, and with a coarse brown blanket robe dragging the ground; st. sebastian with scarcely any raiment at all -- these we should see, and should enjoy seeing them; but would we not miss a spike-tailed coat and kids, and turn away regretfully, and say to parties from the orient: these are well enough, but you ought to see talmage of brooklyn. i fear me that in the better world we shall not even have dr. talmages good christian friend. for if he were sitting under the glory of the throne, and the keeper of the keys admitted a benjamin franklin or other laboring man, that friend, with his fine natural powers infinitely augmented by emancipation from hampering flesh, would detect him with a single sniff, and immediately take his hat and ask to be ecused.

to all outward seeming, the rev. t. de witt talmage is of the same material as that used in the construction of his early predecessors in the ministry; and yet one feels that there must be a difference somewhere between him and the saviors first disciples. it may be because here, in the nineteenth century, dr. t. has had advantages which paul and peter and the others could not and did not have. there was a lack of polish about them, and a looseness of etiquette, and a want of eclusiveness, which one cannot help noticing. they healed the very beggars, and held intercourse with people of a villainous odor every day. if the subject of these remarks had been chosen among the original twelve apostles, he would not have associated with the rest, because he could not have stood the fishy smell of some of his comrades who came from around the sea of galilee. he would have resigned his commission with some such remark as he makes in the etract quoted above: master, if thou art going to kill the church thus with bad smells, i will have nothing to do with this work of evangelization. he is a disciple, and makes that remark to the master; the only difference is, that he makes it in the nineteenth instead of the first century.

is there a choir in mr. t.s church? and does it ever occur that they have no better manners than to sing that hymn which is so suggestive of laborers and mechanics:

son of the carpenter! receive this humble work of mine?

now, can it be possible that in a handful of centuries the christian character has fallen away from an imposing heroism that scorned even the stake, the cross, and the ae, to a poor little effeminacy that withers and wilts under an unsavory smell? we are not prepared to believe so, the reverend doctor and his friend to the contrary notwithstanding.

大学英语作文 篇6

In my class i have both chinese and american friends. let me introduce you to some of them.

Tim is tall and slim with a friendly smile on his lovely face. he is very helpful in my study. i learn a lot of american slang from him. my is also eager to learn chinese. at lunch time we echange lessons. i teach him chinese and he teaches me english. it is fun to hear him say,"干杯, more 干杯!" and he has many interesting ideas. sometimes he speaks first and thinks later. that is why he makes funny mistakes, but he is very popular with the classmates.

Lorrie is a nice girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes. she is very kind and friendly. seeing me without my own transportation to school, she offers me her bike. now i can go to school by bike. she doesn't always talk in enghsh. but her epressive eyes and helpful actions speak louder than words.

Zhang ying is my best chinese friend. she is pretty and always wears a nice smile. being quick-witted, she is the beststudent in our class and she ecels us in all subjects. however, she is sometimes naughty and once she drew a sketch of our teacher dr. b. b's head in the shape of an egg with a half circle of hair. which made us burst out laughing.

Ienjoy the company of my classmates. they make my life rich and interesting.






大学英语作文 篇7

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write ashort essay entitled Optimism is the Road to a Promising Futureby commenting on the Tagore saying, If you shed tears whenyou miss the sun, you will also miss the stars. You should writeat least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Optimism is the Road to a Promising Future

Our history has been filled with a variety of enlightening sayings, and the following is no exception: if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will also miss the stars. This remark can be naturallyassociated with the significance of optimism: if one intends to witness a promising future, it isadvisable for him to be optimistic.

Optimism is the key to success in all fields of activity, and it can be likened to the road to apromising future. First, as a vital psychologicalquality, optimism brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for work, and helps us overcomedifficulties. Second, it is optimistic attitude that enables people to build upconfidence, hope and courage. (所有作文万能句)As a matter of fact, successful peoplehave come to realize the necessity of optimism in life, work and study.

大学英语作文 篇8

My college life I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good education environment. However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college student. After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent achievement. All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my village.

I was farewell warmly by them when I came to school. I was warmly welcome by school, too. After then, I’ve felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our school.The college life is wonderful. All life in school are fresh. New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around me. I’ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly. In high school, I was ever called as a runner before time. Now,I know I am behind time so much in fact. I hope to catch up with the time by my hard studying. Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first one. At night, I am the one who leaves away the library.

