
时间:2024-03-25 19:28:49



中国英语作文 篇1

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar. Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth, when the moon is brightest. In China, people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year.


中国英语作文 篇2

Red packet is unavoidable in Chinese new year. The married couple need to send some gifts and red packets to the elder and the young. At the same time,the new techonology provides people a funny way to send red packet. It is the popular communicational tool Wechat.

Now many foreigners are also crazy about Wechat, when they realize the function of red packet, they fall in love with it and share the money happily. Chinese new techonology are favored by the world, which makes us be proud. Recently, another new selfie technoloy surprises the world. With it, people can make themselves look attractive and it helps to adjust the pictures to look perfect. When the foreigners compare the pictures, they are shocked by this selfie technology. Chinese technology brings convenience to people’s life and makes them happy.

中国英语作文 篇3

I Observe the World Through Science and Arts


The aircraft turbulence stops。 As the plane moves above the grim clouds, a bright beam of sunlight slips through the window。 Outside the window is a brand new world: the once suffocating sky has opened。 The sun, nature’s omnipotent artist, reluctantly bids farewell, turning the azure into tangerine。 Stormy clouds boil underneath, with the size of a boundless ocean and the fury of the Yellow River…


"Hey Tony, what are you doing?" My friend asks。


"The sky… it's like God’s masterpiece。 How can it be so beautiful?" I mumble as my soul returns to reality。


"Come on。 You’re already in high school。 Leave the sky for kids to marvel at。


Embarrassed, I try to defend myself, but a voice of doubt stifles my words: What is the point of staring outside?


I have always been attracted to nature's beauty。 It makes me think。 I still remember my childhood hobby of looking at the night sky and the star lights that spent years, or even centuries, to arrive at our planet。 Those same lights enabled me to travel through time and visualize my dream of being a scientist, artist and innovator:


As a luminescent star trail poured into my eyes, I found myself looking through the eyes of Galileo, awed by the infinite opportunities of the universe。 Tracing the outline of a quartet of celestial lights, I saw Pachelbel sitting high, appreciating his greatest masterpiece ——— Canon in D。 Suddenly, a bright comet raced past, leading me into a small garage, where Steve Jobs changed the world by turning pure science into a real work of art。


Human history recorded in those ancient lights flashed before my eyes, unfolding, dissolving。 It seemed to me that life was both transient and everlasting。 Just as the lights of dead stars were still decorating the night sky above us, so the accomplishments of those ephemeral lives were still affecting the way we lived every day。 As a child, I naively hoped that in the future, when people look up at the sky, they would also see my story as an innovator standing at the crossroad of science and arts。 That is still my dream。


Nature gives me two eyes。 Through one eye, I observe the world of science; through the other eye, I appreciate the world of arts。 On seeing the perfect shape of snowflakes melting in my hand, I run home to search for the formation of snow crystals。 Noticing the gradual change in the color of the dusk sky, I begin to delve deeper into the scattering of lights。 The sun’s daily movements inspire me to think about the rise and fall of empires and lives。 The tender light of the moon that has always guarded human civilization promotes my curiosity about our ancestors’ philosophies of human existence。 Viewing nature through the lens of science and arts, I truly enjoy the beauty of this three—dimensional world。


The plane turns right and my eyes regain focus on the sky outside。 Darkness falls。 Clouds dissolve。


Below the overarching sky, the planet of human lives rotates, now illuminated by clusters of man—made sparks。 In the distant horizon where nature and human civilization meet, the boundary between science and arts vanishes。



中国英语作文 篇4

Class on the. Chalk on the blackboard "jump" forward to - national teachers in the rostrum before the "Dance" with - national dignity and I chair "lie down" with - a good storm ... ...

"Call out" ... ... "Bang" "Wang Bei! Your national dignity is what is said?" this teacher I opened the "gun" "ah? Oh. National dignity is the dignity of the country. In the world the status. "homicide eyes of God staring at me which can not help a bit of a surprise. "Sit down! Seriously listen to!"

Germany's police is enthusiastic. They treat more impress foreign visitors. But why is the Chinese people special? Police to see they are always a few indifferent murmur is simply to avoid or ignore. Why is this? Is it racial discrimination? Not think so. Ah it does not quite resemble the Chinese and the Jews. Prior to Chinese tourists in other countries as well as welcome visitors. However "use" the word of their dignity in these completely shattered the hearts of the German police. They found that the police were enthusiastic they started to seek their own interests above.

Tired of shopping around they go to police said the Chinese mouth mind does not know what a piece of paper out from the arms on which was written address the car will drive them to the ground floor. This left the car money. Police are also smart people. Over time they understand the Chinese tourists from the heart of the weary. In their hearts there is a total concept - all the Chinese people have no sense of shame of the poor wretch.

These guys just a shame that we people of Chinese descent.

Had seen a group of children. In the play area where they saw a sign that says "Area is my home clean on all" after years in the residential garbage a day is covered with gray down is also very nonchalant. I think the responsibility of these children's hearts perhaps more so than those of the so-called overseas Chinese now.

Responsibility is one of the most basic virtues of responsibility only when the basis of other things before they can stabilize.

课,上着。粉笔在黑板上“跳”着——国格,老师在讲台前“舞”着——国格,我在椅子上“躺”着——好困…… “咻”……“浜”“王蓓!请你来说说国格是什么?”老师对这半醒的我开了“炮”“啊?哦。国格就是国家的尊严。在世界上的地位。”他杀神的目光盯着我,其中不免有些意外。“坐下!认真听!” 德国的警察,是热心的。他们对待外国游客更是没话说。但为什么就是中国人特殊?警察看到他们总是爱理不理的咕哝几下或者就是干脆躲开不理。这是为什么?难道是种族歧视?不会吧。中国人和犹太人不太像啊。在之前中国游客也是像其他国家游客那样受欢迎的。但“利用”这个词使他们的尊严在这些德国警察心中完全破灭。他们发现了警察们的热心,便开始在这上面谋取自己的利益。 逛街逛累了,便去找警车,嘴中说着中文,装着什么也不懂从怀里掏出一张纸条上面写着地址,车子就会驶到他们楼下。这样就剩下了车钱。人家警察也是聪明的。久而久之,明白了便对中国游客起了厌倦之心。在他们心中总存在着一个概念——中国人都是不要脸的穷光蛋。 这些被家伙简直就是我们炎黄子孙的耻辱。 曾经看到了这么一群孩子。在玩耍的他们看到了小区里的一块牌子上面写着“小区是我家,清洁靠大家”之后便在小区里捡垃圾,一天下来弄得满身是灰也满不在乎。我想这些孩子的责任之心也许远远超过了那些所谓的海外华人了吧。 责任是一个人最基础的美德,只有有了责任这个基础其他的东西才可以站得稳。

