五年级英语作文 篇1
This afternoon, mother bought me a toy called happy little farm, there is a shovel, lady beetle, scissors, bottle and a potted flower. Mother let me take the happy little farm out play with children ze ze, ze z...
五年级英语作文 篇2
Another summer vacation is coming. Summer life is really colorful! In the first few days, I am really happy and free. There is no restriction of homework that must be done every day, so it feels good.
I have been playing for several days. During the day, I can rest at any time, or go out for my favorite activities at any time. In the evening, watch TV, go shopping, and then go to sleep carefree. In the morning, in addition to occasionally jumping up nervously to see if you are late, you are still attached to dreamland.
After that, I had another ten days of full and meaningful summer camp. However, more than ten days later, I somehow think of my classmates and teachers. It's a bit boring to stay at home. I pat myself on the head. I'm really cheap! I'm looking forward to my vacation when I study. Ah, it's hard to wait, but I want to go to school again. I can't figure it out myself.
In the second half of August, there was no happiness or boredom. In my heart, I just want to rush through my homework and brush. I can see everywhere I lie on my stomach and write fast. The rejection rate of what to do as a guest, shopping or playing is 99%. So the brain and arms have been moving at high speed for more than ten days, and they are still working hard.
Summer vacation is over again. I can see my classmates again
五年级英语作文 篇3
五年级英语作文 篇4
虽然这学期上对我们很严格,但是她也有能让我们快乐的学习方式。这些都是我们班的英语成绩大大提高,而她就是我们班的英语老师——田老师。 现在我们上英语课已经不会有不专心的学生了。但是,过去有,而且有好多“热爱祖国语言人士”根本就不学英语。现在这些“人士”,根本就不敢在英语课上“热爱祖国语言”了。如果人士们要一意孤行,那是要付出代价的。 上课的铃声一响,英语老师的神情就与平常时判若两人,她的眼神马上就变成了利剑。老师如炬的目光像探照灯一样,扫视着每一个角落。同学们的小动作在这样的目光里无处遁形。如某处有风吹草动,英语老师会用犀利的目光紧紧的'盯着。随后,一声霹雳似的批评,会让分心的同学认真起来。接着,那倒霉的孩子就会乖乖的捧着课本,站到讲台前。更重要的是下课以后,那倒霉的孩子还要忍受英语老师长篇的思想教育。 几个回合的较量,我们班级里的所有抱有某种幻想的顽皮男都--败下阵来。过去曾耀武扬威的风云人物在英语课上统统变成了温顺的绵羊。虽然他们在背地里有过种种密谋,但是一到了英语老师的面前立刻就变成了乖孩子。 如今,田老师已经成为了我们学习生活中不可或缺的人物,就是在教授让我们受益匪浅。她每天都有认真的工作态度,详细的工作计划,优秀的工作能力。
五年级英语作文 篇5
I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.
Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite. In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them.
First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to have a fight attitude towards exams. They are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam. In this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.
Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam. Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late. We can also try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going to bed. They might help us to have a sound sleep.
(We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before and during an exam so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.)
五年级英语作文 篇6
Night when the waves of blowing autumn, peace flooded, at this moment, my family has heard a burst of loud.
"Told you several times, you do not talk nonsense, okay," her mother yell of "not to play with you later"
"Yeah, without no zone, there are no big" I Lengheng a cry, what is so amazing, not that you go out to play, I do not go out is not enough, while I muttered to the side of his mouth, then, do not know when the tears from my cheeks over the edge, I fight back, hard wiped away tears, did not let my mother found. When I go back to looking at her mother, she has gone, this time I, under the endless tears like rain, like tears one hand side, I have some regret, I should not have told her to do that, then time when I said something wrong, should not my mother this way, I grew more and more sad, sorry.
Middle of the night, I had the sheets to the board, do not know what pair of warm hands on my quilt cover in my body again, cover tightly, and then on the side like a look at me, back when she's gone the time, I found it was a familiar figure - her mother, then, I could not conceal his grief, burst into tears up, my mother heard, and quickly run over.
"How, baby, why you crying" Mom stroked my face and spoke, he wiped my tears
"Hum, my mother, I was wrong," I said, holding her mother crying
"No, baby, you is not wrong, your mother should not be so fierce on the" mother smiled at me
I feel as if a lot easier, I carried my mother, while an apology, while the tears flowing
Mom, thank you for your love, I am wrong, please forgive me, I should not talk nonsense, I should not have you angry, I know you love my mother, and I will always love you, my good mother ! !
五年级英语作文 篇7
Most people believe that regular hand-washing is the best way to prevent infections. And they’re right: hand-washing does prevent certain infections, but too much washing can actually help some infections along.What’s going on?
Right now, there are millions of bacteria from hundreds of different species happily residing on your hands, not to mention your teeth, gums, eyes and ears. These bacteria are either transients or residents. Washing your hands helps remove transientbacteria that are just visiting from foreign places like the sink, doorknob and even other people’s hands. Washing shouldn’t remove your hands’ own resident bacteria,though.
While it’s hard to imagine your hands as a bacterial homeland, these residents are perfectly normal and are important in maintaining your health. They help prevent transientbacteria from settling in, and each resident keeps other residents from overpopulating.
If you scrub your skin too frequently, especially with anti-bacterial soap, you could upset resident bacteria, leading to the overpopulation of certain species and local skin infections. Scrubbing away residents might also let transients move in and cause disease. Finally, over washing could break down the skin itself. This allows harmless skin residents to go beneath the skin, where they can become dangerous transients.
So, while a good wash with soap and water is still a great idea, overwashing might lead to some unpleasant symptoms, not to mention inflamed and unsightly hands.